Gum disease is a serious and dangerous dental issue that can harm your teeth, gums and smile if you’re not careful. It’s a dental problem that should be avoided as much as possible. In order to avoid it, it’s best if you know all about it. So, our dentist, Dr. Todd Tibbs, would like to share some gum disease facts with you. Those facts are:
-Gum disease is caused by plaque buildup on the teeth and gumline. It irritates the gums and makes them swell and bleed. If you don’t remove the plaque as soon as possible, the condition can get worse.
-If plaque is left on the smile, it turns into tartar, which is a very toxic substance. Tartar makes the gums pull away from the teeth and infects the gum pockets. The tartar then spreads to the underlying bone and deteriorates it, causing loose and lost teeth.
-There are two stages of gum disease: gingivitis and periodontitis.
-Gingivitis can be treated with a professional dental cleaning while periodontitis will need extensive treatment to treat, like scaling and root planing, laser periodontal therapy, bone grafts, gum grafts and more.
If you have any questions or if you would like to know more about gum disease in Salisbury, North Carolina, please contact Todd Tibbs at 704-633-1799. Our dental team will be more than happy to help you, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We look forward to hearing from you!