Several oral health ailments may be slowly deteriorating your smile, and you may still be unaware of them. Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, can progress over a period of many years and slowly decay your gums without you being aware of it. An early stage of gum disease known as gingivitis can produce a few symptoms that you may not catch. Thus, it is important to be aware of the risk factors for gum disease to help prevent infections from arising in the first place.
Unhealthy lifestyle choices including drug use, smoking or chewing tobacco, or any other similar unhealthy habits can lead to severe oral health risks. In addition, you are a much greater risk for gum disease if you’re continually putting your teeth in harm’s way. Thus, avoided unhealthy risks such as these to keep your smile safe from the risk of gum disease.
Several risk factors that hard to prevent can lead to gum disease. This includes hormonal changes in your body, specifically with women and young girls, the presence of diabetes, and genetic predispositions. Furthermore, if you’re pregnant, you are at an increased risk for gum disease and will need to visit your dentist to ensure your oral health care is going along as needed.
If you are developing gum disease or any sort of gum tissue infection, it is important to always make sure you visit your dentist for routine checkups and oral examinations. In addition, always practice effective oral health care and hygiene routines by cleaning your mouth on a daily basis. Furthermore, eat a healthy diet that is high in nutritious foods and low and dangerous substances such as sugar and acidic foods.
Seek the path to oral health greatness with gum disease prevention. No matter the gum disease prevention you are in need of, Dr. Todd Tibbs and our team at Todd Tibbs are here to help you in every way we can. If you would like to set up an appointment to come see us at our dentist office in Salisbury, North Carolina, please call us at 704-633-1799 to talk with a member of our team.